George Washington - The first President of United States of America.

George Washington
who was born in February 22,  1732 and died in December 14, 1799. He was the great person as American political leader, military general, statesman, and Founding Father, also he served as the first president of the United States throughout 1789 to 1797. Previously, he led Patriot forces to get the victory in the nation's War for Independence. He presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which established, pursued the U.S. Constitution and a federal government. Since his coordination,  Washington has been called the "Father of His Country" with  his manifold leadership in the formative days of the new nation.
George Washington  has done some many remarkable things and implemented the Federal Constitution due to his bravery that made till now to exist US as a affluent enough in every source. US had nothing in early 17 Century but after arrival of Washington then gradually US has change the complete status to be well off and to get prosperous US. 
The first currencies were printed in his name and with his picture on Dollar note also you can see his picture on the every US Dollar note.

Bigyan Niece

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